Sunday, October 12, 2008

Well, maybe blogging regularly is not for me.

I am really liking my job. Who knows where it will lead. But, I suppose that doesn't matter. My pastor today said some things that went straight to me. He used the verse John 4:35 - "Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." I've been worrying too much about where I'll be going eventually and how I can get there. I've been discrediting the things that are going on in my life right now. It was really good to get a slap in the face sort of sermon today.

I've joined two soccer teams, one non-competitive coed indoor and one competitive women's outdoor. Both are wonderful. I had forgotten how much I love to play soccer.

The next time someone uses the words 'sexy' and 'sustainability' in the same sentence again, I'm going to kick them in the teeth.


melissa said...


what's your job? and what context would even allow "sexy" and "sustainability" to be in the same sentence?

Stephanie said...

no kidding...
and was it bill who slapped you in the face? i like his sermons.
sounds like you're doing pretty well.. i'm glad to hear it!